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Centre de musique mélodique

Melody Music propose des guitares Valencia à ses clients débutants depuis plus de 20 ans. Nous l'avons fait en toute confiance dans la jouabilité et la quantité. Valencia est notre guitare à cordes en nylon de prédilection pour nos clients débutants et les programmes scolaires locaux qui proposent des cours de guitare. Félicitations pour 50 ans d'offre de guitares de qualité supérieure aux nouveaux musiciens qui se lancent dans la musique !

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Son de la musique

As an independent music store who has also passed a half a century I congratulate Valencia Guitars on this milestone. We here at Sound of Music in British Columbia, Canada have been successful Valencia guitar resellers as we find the quality of build and pricing to be top notch. So here’s to another half century of gifting quality to new and long time players.

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G&G Music

We have been carrying Valencia guitars for many years. They are a “go – to” for the public schools we deal with as well as many of our private music students. They are very reliable and offer quality at an affordable price.

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Musicworks Canada West Springs

Guitar is one of the most popular instruments across our Musicworks Canada locations and we predominantly start our students with Valencia Classical Guitars. They offer a full range of sizes including 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 4/4 so we are able to find a guitar to fit any student. Our studios typically carry the 200 series which offer great playability and sound at an affordable price. Comfort, playability, and sound quality is very important for us to help students develop a love and appreciation of music through the Guitar.

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