Hi, everyone! I’m Gabor. Hey, I’m Alex. We are from the SuperFunAwesomeHappyTimePedalShow. And we would like to wish Valencia Guitars a happy 50th birthday.
Hi, guys! It’s Tim Henwood here from Melbourne, Australia. I’m here to wish Valencia Guitars a happy 50th anniversary. It’s very important having a guitar
"Joyeux 50e Valencia Guitars. No1 Classical depuis 2008 au KSC - 'Finger picking good'
High Street Music Previous Next highstreetmusic.com.au More Testimonials Proudly on display in our front windowValencia guitars ,bags and strings, 50 years of greatness!!!!
Hi. This is Chris Bekker from the Jon Stevens Band. Just wishing Kevin and all the gang at Valencia guitars a very happy 50th anniversary.
Maxx Music has had a very long, and fulfilling relationship with Valencia guitars. Our teaching schools have been operating for nearly 30 years
Hi! Con Delo here from the Hindley Street Country Club. We just want to say a big shout out to Valencia Guitars for 50 years
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