
Melody Music has been offering Valencia Guitars to our entry level customers for over 20 years. We have done this with full confidence in the playability and quantity. Valencia is our go to nylon string guitar for our beginner customers and local school programs that offer guitar courses. Congratulations on 50 years of offering top quality guitars for new players entering into music!

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As an independent music store who has also passed a half a century I congratulate Valencia Guitars on this milestone. We here at Sound of Music in British Columbia, Canada have been successful Valencia guitar resellers as we find the quality of build and pricing to be top notch. So here’s to another half century of gifting quality to new and long time players.

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G&G Music

We have been carrying Valencia guitars for many years. They are a “go – to” for the public schools we deal with as well as many of our private music students. They are very reliable and offer quality at an affordable price.

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ミュージックワークス カナダ ウエスト スプリングス

ギターは、ミュージックワークス カナダの拠点全体で最も人気のある楽器の 1 つであり、私たちは主にバレンシア クラシック ギターから生徒を始めます。 1/4、1/2、3/4、4/4 など幅広いサイズを取り揃えているので、どんな生徒にも合うギターを見つけることができます。私たちのスタジオでは通常、優れた演奏性とサウンドを手頃な価格で提供する 200 シリーズを取り扱っています。学生がギターを通じて音楽への愛情と鑑賞力を養うには、快適さ、弾きやすさ、音質が非常に重要です。

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